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For Madonna Della Cava Feast Vendors


Nearly 100 vendors participate in our Feast each year – offering our visitors an array of mouth watering foods, desserts, confections and beverages as well as a wonderful selection of souvenirs, jewelry, artwork, crafts, toys and novelties.


Vending locations must be made to fit the narrow streets of the North End, therefore space may be limited to 10’ wide x 6’ from the curb – tenting is permitted in order to protect you and your merchandise from the nature’s elements. Additional spacing may be granted upon request.


The information you provided in the VENDOR FORM will enable us to determine whether there is appropriate space for your vending area as well as determine the amount of donation, applicable fees and permits that may be required. Please Review the VENDOR GUIDELINES section for more information and regulations.


All vendors are asked to submit the VENDOR FORM information for review – NEW vendors will be contacted by a member of the Committee upon review of your application. Please be advised that submitting this form does not guarantee you vending space. A member of the Committee will notify you that your space has been approved and reserved.


If you require immediate attention please call:


Matty: 781-241-7884

Vince: 617-320-6297


 or contact the Committee by submitting on our contact form.

Important Vendor Information

Each vendor must obtain a Feast Permit signed by the Feast Committee Chairman before proceeding to any City of Boston Agency.






Each vendor must obtain and furnish to Madonna Della Cava Society a current and valid certificate of Insurance that states that the vendor is covered by liability insurance in the amount of $1Million Dollars. The policy must also list, as required by regulation, the City of Boston as well as, Madonna Della Cava as additional insured.


For those vendors who do not carry liability insurance Madonna Della Cava will offer through its insurance carrier the required amount of insurance for a fee of $50 Dollars per vendor



Temporary Permit from the Inspectional Services Department – Health Division
Total: $35.00


Fire Department permit for use of propane outdoors must be obtained for each location
Over 40 lbs is $33.00


Street occupancy permit from the Department of Public Works for each location. You must present your Health & Fire Permit in order to obtain street occupancy permit.
Total: $50.00



Street occupancy permit from the Department of Public Works for each location.
Total: $50.00



Apply for an Entertainment License from the Mayor’s Office of Consumer Affairs & Licensing. (At least three weeks in advance, a public hearing may be needed)


Street occupancy permit from the Department of Public Works for each location.
Total: $50.00



ISD/Health Department – 1010 Massachusetts Avenue – 5th floor – 617-635-5300

Permits are to be obtained Monday to Friday by 3:15 PM


Public Works Department – Boston City Hall – Room 714 – 617-635-4909

Permits are to be obtained Monday to Thursday- 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Fridays- 9:00 AM – Noon


Boston Fire Department – 115 South Hampton Street – 617-343-2177


Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs & Licensing – Boston City Hall – Room 613, 617-635-3911




You are issued a three day vending permit (Friday to Sunday). You may begin to set-up your stand at your assigned location beginning at 6:00 PM on Thursday evening and must be ready for occupancy no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday. All vendors are required to be set-up and open during the following:


Festival hours:
Friday 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Saturday 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM – 11:00 PM


No vehicles are permitted in the Feast area during these times. You may not begin assembling your booth until after your vehicle has been removed from the street. On Sunday evening do not break down or block any streets until the festival has concluded at 11:00 PM. No parking will be allowed on Hanover or Battery Street.



The Madonna Della Cava Society) reserves the right to determine those applicants most suitable for vending locations within the Madonna Della Cava feast All vendors are responsible for obtaining appropriate permits from the City of Boston and its agencies. The vendor shall assume all responsibility for compliance with local, city, state and federal safety, fire, health, and other ordinances and laws regarding installation of and operation of equipment, displays and exhibit materials.


All regulations listed in the City of Boston Public Works Department Application are applied by Madonna Della Cava and strictly enforced. Madonna Della Cava reserves the right to remove items that are not listed on your application and permit. Madonna Della Cava shall have the authority to deem proper all items that are to be available at vending location. No offensive or demeaning products, clothing, pictures or paraphernalia is allowed.



The vendor agrees not to assign, sublet, or apportion space, or any part thereof allotted to him. No vendor will be permitted to display or sell his products or services outside the confines of his assigned booth space in the festival area. No Giveaways Permitted.



Each vendor must obtain and furnish to Madonna Della Cava a current and valid certificate of insurance that states that the vendor is covered by liability insurance in the amount of $1 Million Dollars. The policy must also list as required by regulation, the City of Boston, as well as, Madonna Della Cava as additional insured. For those vendors who do not carry liability insurance Madonna Della Cava will offer through its insurance carrier the required amount of insurance for a fee of $50 Dollars per vendor.



Vendors using oil or grease causing foods are required to use an absorbent floor covering under fryer and grills, so as not to leave vending location unsafe. All used oil containers MUST have covers on them to be disposed of. Vendors selling clams or setting up a raw bar: DO NOT over stuff your garbage bags, use a canvas or burlap bag to dispose of your shells. All vendors must dispose of your garbage properly and use a cleaning agent at your vending location to lessen the odors during the weekend. Madonna Della Cava may require a refundable cleaning deposit from vendors using oils or offering a raw bar.


Dismantling is only permitted immediately after festival closing. Madonna Della Cava reserves the right, with no liability whatsoever for damage, spoilage, or loss, to dismantle, dispose of, store and clear from the premises any display materials, goods, property, or merchandise of a vendor who has failed to dismantle & remove their location by 6:00 PM Tuesday following the end of the festival.



Exhibits which include the operation of musical instruments, radios, public address systems, or any noise-making machine must be operated so that the noise resulting there from will not annoy or disturb residents of North End, adjacent exhibitors and their patrons.

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